Strawberries Tour

I Love Strawberries!!! I Love Strawberries!!! I Love Strawberries!!!

Everyone knows this fact, even some of my friends said that when they saw strawberries, just as same as saw me. Sorry for influencing everyone. But I just can’t control myself in loved with strawberries.  Strawberries give me the power of motivation to move forward. I eat what I like and after that I am brave enough to overcome those things that I hate or dislike.

I cannot give them any marks one by one because they all are soo good especially if you tried in Japan. Japan will never get lose in making strawberries desserts. Even you bought random one in convenient store or on the street, they are still better than the one you come all the way from to buy in Hong Kong. Can anyone tell me why?

Here are some of them.IMG_7059this is one of the cake shop/ bakery store that opened in Jiyūgaoka, Meguro, Tokyo.

I randomly bought this one in Shibuya. 800 yen with that big !Worth it!

It is extremely sweet and good! I would never forget how it taste like! Because you won’t find this in Hong Kong.


This is my purpose of why I went to Japan. I always saw this strawberries sandwiches in Instagram and Facebook and everyone said it is so good! I finally found 2 in 2 different convenient store. They are true. They are really good! And strawberries are extremely match with the cream and the bread. However, seriously we can make it at home with all these ingredients. I recommend you can try one but not like every time.


This is the white strawberries that cost extremely expensive in Hong Kong or even in Japan. I remember this one costed me 800 yen. IMG_7032


This is strawberries tart. Although it looks so good but taste not as good as I thought from what I saw. But also recommend.

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